The Legacy

directed by:
Jens Klingebiel
What traces do we leave behind after death? Climate change, extinction of species, environmental pollution - the last few decades have clearly shown that the earth is at its limit. And some people wonder if this is what they want to bequeath to future generations. This film is the legacy of such a person. After a cancer diagnosis, a man is facing the end of his life. And he decides to invest the money he has saved in a project that is dedicated to these issues. A film that takes stock of how we humans deal with the environment and nature. A film that should be made available to as many people as possible, free of charge and without looking at quota. On his behalf, animal filmmaker Jens Klingebiel is on the road to get an idea of ​​the situation. On his travels he discovers both shocking and encouraging things. Humanity now faces one of its greatest challenges. Which direction will it take?"
Project Specs:
Wildlife Film, Documentary
Curated with love for films

official selection
